Saturday, March 31, 2012

Inulin is natural

Inulin is natural, functionality fructose-oligo saccharides which is also a soluble dietary fiber. It is natural carbohydrate and is almost not acid hydrolysis and digestible. Therefore before reach to the colon, it is not compromised and will be fermented by lot of useful microorganism in the colon; hence this is the characteristics of fructose-oligo saccharides and dietary fiber. Inulin as a functional sugar substitute, is a major modern functional food additive, and is widely used in food, medicines and health products.

Effect of Inulin

Gastrointestinal function regulation: Inulin has a proliferation of bifidobacteria in human body, which can suppress the growth of intestinal salmonella and spoilage bacteria, promote intestinal peristalsis, prevention and treatment of constipation.

Inulin Enhance immunity: Inulin in the human body helps vitamin synthesis, promote minerals absorption, increased antibody, proliferating cells and increase the activity of NK cells, enhance immune function.

Detox beauty: Taking inulin helps body diathesis; reduce the burden to the liver, kidney and other organs. Inulin plays a role of detoxification by formation of rectal defecation reflex from synergistic effect of Inulin with bifidobacterium. It is safe and effective, without any side effects.

Improvement of lipid metabolism: This unique dietary fibre improves lipid metabolism, and reduce high density lipoprotein in the blood, increase low density lipoprotein, indirectly reduce blood fat, cholesterol and fat. Inulin is not easily absorbed by the body, and it will not synthesis fat by sugar metabolism, hence achieve weight loss.

Prevention of dental caries: Inulin is not easy to make dental caries’s pathogen agglutination, volume of lactic acid formed on the gear surfaces is 23-50% lower than sucrose, caries rates far lower than sucrose, so is suitable for children.

Suitable for a diabetic: Inulin helps control blood sugar, reduces blood sugar (Europe, and America, and Japan used mainly for diabetes treatment); combined with insulin therapy, shows no increase to the glycemic index.

3 Main Ingredients of Cordyceps Sinensis Brown Rice Cereal NutriDrink's List :
1. Nature Brown Rice
2. Inulin
3. Cordyceps Sinensis

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